
Creem Team


🍦 What lies ahead

"An exploration of Creem's innovative approach to SaaS embedded finance, its vision for the future, and the road we will take to arrive there."

We appreciate you and your time, if you wish, you can find a summary of the main points that this article covers on the cards below.

Creem aims to transform SaaS financial operations by providing enterprise-level financial tools to companies of all sizes

Enterprise-Level Financial Tools

Core Mission

Creem is dedicated to building in public and maintaining transparency.This blog post exemplifies our commitment to keeping our community informed about our current activities and future direction.

Transparency and Build in Public

Company Values

The company envisions a future where independent developers can create specialized, niche software services that compete with large enterprise solutions

Future of Software Development


As a Merchant of Record and aspiring Payment Processor, Creem handles tax and compliance details while focusing on embedded finance functionalities

Merchant of Record Services

Core Functionality

Creem is developing out-of-the-box solutions for advanced financial features like personalized checking accounts, loyalty programs, and complex reward systems

Advanced Financial Features

Product Offering

The platform will offer data-driven tools such as dynamic feature request boards and sophisticated price engines

Data-Driven Tools

Product Features

Creem addresses challenges in scaling across markets with transparent pricing and competitive rates, especially beneficial for European businesses

Market Scaling Solutions

Business Strategy

The company is committed to lean, iterative development, focusing first on core Merchant of Record capabilities before adding additional features

Development Approach

Product Development

🌟 The Vision

We're embarking on an exciting journey to transform the financial operations and functionality of SaaS businesses. At Creem, our grand vision is to empower companies of all sizes with the financial tools and capabilities previously reserved for large-scale enterprises. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and innovative approaches, we're set to redefine how SaaS businesses handle their finances, compliance, and growth strategies.

We firmly believe in the transformative trend we're witnessing in the current tech landscape, a shift partially enabled by the advancements in AI. Software product development is becoming increasingly accessible, with tools and technologies that simplify the building process. A decade ago, creating a kanban board might have required a team of 10 engineers, but today, an Indie Hacker can accomplish this feat in a week and launch it globally. We anticipate this trend will continue to accelerate, empowering more individuals to bootstrap successful software products from their laptops, either as solo Indie Hackers or with small, agile technical teams.

The Future of Software Development

Probably the most reconizable Indie Hacker in the world

This democratization of software development is giving rise to a new era of highly specialized, niche services that excel in specific domains. These focused, well-crafted solutions are increasingly able to compete with large, bloated enterprise software, thanks to the sheer competence and dedication of these skilled independent builders. We foresee a future where the software landscape is dotted with these nimble, purpose-built solutions, each carving out its own space in the market and challenging the status quo of traditional software giants.

🛠️ The Smooth Advantage

At the core of Creem's offering is our role as a Merchant of Record and an aspiring Payment Processor. This means we handle all the intricate details of tax and compliance for the SaaS businesses that partner with us. But we're not stopping there. We're pushing the boundaries by focusing intensively on creating functionalities related to embedded finance - capabilities that smaller scale SaaS businesses often find too resource-intensive or operationally complex to implement and maintain on their own. Which is unfortunate, because many of these functionalities that introduce financial incentives or rewards are used as growth strategies and revenue-boosting tactics by big corporations. This creates a significant disadvantage when smaller scale businesses try to compete with them, as they lack access to these powerful tools for customer acquisition and retention.

Imagine a world where a bootstrapped SaaS company can offer the same sophisticated financial operations and functionalities as a tech giant, without the need for a large finance team or expensive infrastructure. That's the world Creem is building. We're revolutionizing the landscape of embedded finance for SaaS companies.

Leaderboard of Micro-SaaS

Indie Hacker community from a content creator


While embedded finance has been a game-changer, allowing companies to offer banking and financial functionalities without a financial service license, it has primarily benefited larger corporations with substantial resources. Smaller SaaS companies often struggle to implement and maintain complex features like checking accounts, inter-account transfers, cashback loyalty programs, and referral systems with monetary rewards.

The challenge lies in the fact that most embedded finance providers offer only the 'rails' rather than ready-made, integrated solutions. This leaves companies with the burden of implementation and operational maintenance, making it prohibitively expensive and complex for smaller-scale SaaS businesses.

Creem is changing this paradigm.

🚀 Revolutionizing Access to All Financial Features

By leveraging the payment and customer data already within our system, we're removing the barriers to entry for these sophisticated financial functionalities. We will provide out-of-the-box, ready-made solutions that integrate seamlessly with your existing systems. This means you can offer advanced financial features like personalized checking accounts, loyalty programs, referral programs, cashback programs, automated savings, or complex reward systems without the need for extensive integration work or ongoing operational management. With Creem, these powerful tools become accessible to SaaS companies of all sizes, democratizing access to advanced financial capabilities and leveling the playing field in the SaaS industry.

At Creem, we're not just creating a platform; we're developing a comprehensive product that revolutionizes how SaaS companies operate. Our vision extends beyond offering complex financial functionalities out of the box. We're also focusing on providing simpler, yet highly valuable features that leverage your customer and payment data. These ready-made, integrated solutions seamlessly fit into your existing data and workflows, enhancing your operational efficiency and customer engagement.

Imagine having access to dynamic feature request boards that prioritize based on customer value, or a sophisticated price engine that adapts in real-time to market conditions and customer behaviors directly on the button and component you embedded on your website. Picture sleek, interactive pricing tables that adjust based on user interactions and historical data.

These user-facing components, while not necessarily interacting with your core product functionality, tap into the rich customer and payment data to provide invaluable insights and capabilities. By offering these tools as part of our integrated suite, we're empowering SaaS companies of all sizes to leverage data-driven decision-making and customer-centric features that were once the domain of only the largest enterprises.

🌉 Bridging the Gap

One of the most significant challenges facing SaaS businesses today is the operational complexity that comes with scaling across different markets. Each new territory brings its own set of regulations, tax requirements, and financial nuances.

To address this challenge, many SaaS companies have already turned to Merchants of Record (MoR), which have proven extremely helpful in streamlining financial operations and managing compliance and tax complexities. However, we're increasingly seeing online reports of users complaining about predatory practices and a lack of transparency in fees, especially for non-US customers. Many face "surprise" taxes that only appear after processing begins, and hidden fees that unexpectedly reduce payouts.

At Creem, we're changing this landscape with the most transparent pricing table in the market, coupled with highly competitive rates. We believe in full disclosure and fairness, eliminating hidden fees and unexpected charges. For European businesses in particular, you should see a significant decrease in the fees you're currently paying to an MoR for payment processing. Our commitment is to provide a clear, honest, and cost-effective solution that allows you to focus on growing your business, not deciphering complex fee structures.

Our platform isn't just about handling transactions; it's about providing insights and tools that drive strategic decision-making. By leveraging advanced analytics and machine learning, we're able to offer predictive models that help businesses anticipate market trends, optimize pricing strategies, and identify growth opportunities.

🛣️ The Road Ahead

We're committed to evolving alongside our clients. The SaaS landscape is constantly changing, and we're dedicated to staying ahead of the curve, anticipating needs before they arise, and developing solutions that not only meet but exceed expectations.

Our roadmap is a living document, evolving in close collaboration with our users. While we have exciting plans for our next release, we believe in flexibility and adaptability. Nothing is set in stone, as we prioritize addressing real user needs over rigid planning. You can explore our current roadmap at, but we encourage you to view it as a dynamic blueprint rather than a fixed schedule.

At present, we're focusing on releasing our core Merchant of Record capabilities without additional bells and whistles. This deliberate approach reflects our commitment to lean, iterative development. As a nimble team, Creem aims to grow and evolve alongside our users. Rather than spending months or years developing a suite of features in isolation, we prefer to release, learn, and refine based on real-world feedback. This strategy ensures that every new functionality we introduce genuinely addresses our customers' pain points and contributes meaningful value to their operations.

🤝 Join the Revolution

We believe that financial operations shouldn't be a bottleneck for innovation and growth in the SaaS industry. With Creem, we're not just offering a service; we're inviting businesses to join a movement towards more efficient, transparent, and empowering finance.

Whether you're a startup looking to scale globally or an established player seeking to streamline your operations, Creem is here to support your journey. We're more than just a financial tool - we're your partner in growth, committed to your success in the ever-evolving world of SaaS.

As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in SaaS finance and payments, we invite you to be part of this exciting journey. Together, we can reshape the future of SaaS, one transaction at a time.

Creem Peach Icon
❤️ With love - Creem Team ❤️


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